Android Neo U1 - Seeking issue - judder
Hi all,

I am a new owner of a Minix Neo U1, I have both the Minux version of XBMC and Kodi 16 Jarvis installed on there, when I seek in a film, say for 20 minutes and then it resumes playback I get judder on the video afterwards. This happens both on my local files which are located on a NAS and my remote files. On the Local files it might eventually right itself and start to playback smooth again without the judder but I have noticed on remote files that more often than not it will then after a while start to drop frames and stutter, rather than just the judder after the seek.

My local files are on a Zyxel NSA-325 and connected via SMB, I tired to connect the the NAS via NFS like I do on my Dune Media player but although I can see the share I cannot open it, I press it and nothing happens. I have looked into why this, I cannot find a way on the NAS to turn off privileged ports and I'm not sure about creating a path with the right permissions that it needs, for now NFS seems out of reach.

I have tried some local test files on SMB of 60Mbps and 90Mbps and they both stutter, I would imagine NFS is needed for this kind of bitrate?

My remote files are connected via HTTPS streaming, I started with SFTP but found it too low, it would constantly buffer and take forever to load. Once I switched to HTTPS it was much better but I still have the issues after seeking. Also I have found that when seeking on remote files I sometimes start to get video stutter and frame drops after it appears to have caught up.

Most of the files are around 10gb and around 10Mbps or a little higher than I am playing, is this normal? Should I just not seek in videos?


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