Kodi quits responding and needs to shut down
Hello, I have a Windows 10 HTPC I built over a year 1/2 ago and its been running Kodi ever since and very well. Lately within the past few weeks I been watching more of our movies which we mostly use Kodi for our TVShows. Anyway, I have been getting a box that comes up part way ito the movie and only the movies that says Kodi quit responding and needs to shut down.

Any ideas? Thanks!

intel pentium G3258
4GB DDR3 ram
ASUS H97I-plus
There's not enough info for anyone to have an idea.
Would you ring a garage and say 'My car's not working, any ideas?'Huh

Debug log is the place to start if you want help. Make sure there's nothing on your system that's banned here before you post it, though, otherwise it'll be a waste of your time.

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Kodi quits responding and needs to shut down0