v14 Why is Kodi 14.2 best for watching HD videos?
Why any version of Kodi, who came after version 14.2 on my tablet does not work well? When I watch HD video, audio and pictures do not in sync .. sound is a few seconds faster than the image in each HD video. However, Kodi 14.2 does not have this problem. I do not know why this version of Kodi ask root access, but newer versions do not require it .. maybe this old version, because of this root access, do better job? Huh
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In version 14.2 there is a hack for correct audio sync on some devices. In version 15.0+ they removed that hack. You can set default audio offset for all videos in settings and solve that problem.
I have the exact same problem, almost...

Well... syncing audio isnt really the issue. its the video that laggs severely on some devices. It seems like it just cant decode the video fast enough. so ten seconds of video gives you 15 seconds of viewtime. to solve it you have to stretch the audio track
But, how ever, if it is as easy solved as you propose, whith a hack, then add those lines of code to a tickbox in the video settings menu.
On the other hand, reading your answer maks me guess that you have no idea what the problem really is.
@boce117 The root acces makes no difference w.s.e. on my devices any way.

But then again i can say with pride and confidence that Kodi post 14.2 cant play hd videos as smooth as mxplayer f.x.
Actually, kodi, post 14.2, cat play hd video at all on some devices.
And thats a shame.

Just tried the latest version of SPMC on goggleplay https://play.google.com/store/apps/detai...mc16&hl=en and it seems to run HD video flawlessly, on the can i tested it on anyway, so boce117 try that one and se how it works.

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Why is Kodi 14.2 best for watching HD videos?0