force kodi to use specific tables in MySQL

I use kodi of 3 windows and 2 Android TV, on each installation I ve replicated the advancedsettings.xml file to use my nas as a film archive and as a database for meta.

I recently upgraded to kodi Jarvis on a Windows workstation. and I noticed that the advancedsettings.xml file creates two new tables on the MySQL database and does not use those already existing.

i can force some parameters to go to use the already existing tables?


If you mean the version number (the ## part of MyVideos##.db for example, and same for the other database files) then no, you can't.

Each major version of Kodi uses its own specific version, as the content and format can change a bit from version to version. When you update the first device connected to the MySQL it should update the most recent older version of the database to the current one.

This is why all versions of Kodi that use a given MySQL database must be on the same major version (16.x Jarvis at the moment, with 17.x Krypton upcoming). For videos, Isengard was 93, Jarvis is 99 and Krypton will be something else (I don't have any installs of it yet so can't comment).
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Ok, Thanks for the explanation Smile


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force kodi to use specific tables in MySQL0