Win Black screen 5 second pause
I'm getting a 5 second pause now when one music video ends and another begins. All files are on HD. This is recent, what video setting would cause this?
Check in settings>music>playback>crossfade between songs (toggle to expert mode to see the menu items)
Settings>video>playback>adjust display refresh rate>pause during refresh rate change> do you have it set to 5 secs?
(2016-05-13, 16:20)k4sh1n Wrote: Settings>video>playback>adjust display refresh rate>pause during refresh rate change> do you have it set to 5 secs?
I unchecked it and now I'm good again. What exactly does that setting do? Should I turn it back on and set to 0 seconds?
So it can match the display to the content being watched, gives smoother playback for systems with issues.
You can leave it off if you don't have issues with dropped frames, stuttering, etc.
Even with the duration set to off, it still pauses 5 seconds. I'm just going to turn it off.

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