Okay so recentally I started to watch game of thrones. I have realised that I cannot view any of the languages they speak on the show which would usually provide subtitles. (Like if they start speaking french then the English subtitles appear) I tried turning on the subtitles but it doesn't work. Any ideas on how to help me?
Did you enable subtitles services and subtitle addons like
No how do I do that ??
1) Go to settings -> Video -> Subtitles and select preferred subtitles language incl the languages you want Kodi to download
2) Go to addons -> Install from repository -> select kodi repository -> Subtitles - > downnload all the addons that you prefer. I have opensubtitles and openscene installed.

When you are viewing a episode, you can select the right subtitle. Sometimes you need to change the offset if it;s not 100% synchronize with the audio

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