Cable Card Question
Just doing my semi-annual checkin regarding the state of cable television...

1.)Is WMC (with Server WMC) still the only way to decode cable card channels? I use the Ceton InfiniTV with my cable card.

2.)By installing Windows 10, would my WMC get deleted, thereby leaving me up a creek and unable to use cable channels without a cable box?
To answer your question and the last time i also checked:

1.) Yes i have the same setup as you do, also the HDHomerun Prime also can decode cable cards as well.

2.) You are correct if you upgrade to Windows 10 you can kiss WMC GoodBye, they are replacing it with some stupid Free DVD player software.
So it sounds like upgrading to Windows 10 and using the HD Home Run Prime is an option?
Yes its and option, but the only con in my opinion is that the prime only supports only 3 tuners. Where the Eth 6 supports 6 tuners or the InfiniTV 4 supports 4 tuners, this may or may not be a problem for you. It's been awhile since i looked into this solution but if mind serves me correctly WMC is the recommended software for recording both copy protected content and non protected content. This will work with NextPVR, MediaPortal, SageTV and BeyondTV for the non copy protected content. It's a big trade off and again my opinion on this, not worth it for Windows or losing tuner counts. I found this, details on what you need to set it up on windows 10,

Looks like you also have to pay for EPG Data as well

Hope this helps

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