Linux Developer Mediation
As with any complex project there are inevitable clashes between talented developers and also strong disagreements . How you choose to deal with these conflicts will determine the ultimate success or failure of the overall project, in this case , the Kodi Project. There MUST be a mechanism to deal with conflicts behind the scenes and NOT carried out within the framework to the end user. Many end Users have no idea who has stolen whose work and who is "okay". I'm sure the majority of Users appreciate the project, but alienating them will not solve an issue they know nothing about. I'm not saying there are not Bad and even Harmful issues going on, but there has to be a way to have a place to work out grievances and disagreements other than pop-ups that tell the User they cannot use the site because they downloaded a build with a disagreeable build included, having no opportunity to correct it. So I am calling for a "Board of Kodi Developer Mediation", so the project we all love may continue.
What is this in reference to? Can you be specific?
Basically there's only one OK build and that from
The rest is unofficial and totally not recommended or supported. Whatever they pull of is not our problem.
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For those who don't know what OP is talking about, there are add-on "developers"* copying URLs from each other for pirated video streams, and they go and accuse each other of "stealing" the streams (of stolen content) from each other. Even if the content was legal, the dispute is incredibly lame.

Those people are posers who have nothing to do with the Kodi community here on the forums.

*(No offense to people who really are add-on developers. OP's reference is to people who don't really understand Python very well, but just know enough to make some clone of a clone add-on)

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