Moving Kodi data to sdcard
Hi, Can anyone please help?
I am running kodi 16.1 on fire tv. I can't seem to be able to get Kodi to write data to the sd card.

I have copied the data from " storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files" to my sd card

I have made a text file " " and placed it in "mnt/sdcard"

The text file reads " "
I HAVE also tried "".

I then for test purposes rename "sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi" to sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi1".

Now when I start kodi it loads up a clean version.

I check in the root "sdcard/Android/ " and it has written a new /org.xbmc.kodi file.
Have you tried using ADBlink? It should have a button that automates the process.
Hi yes. Can't seem to get that to work.
But the good news is I've figured the problem out. All is working as it should now.

The issue was the file. Because I made this on the Pc and transferred it via sdcard it was named "".

I made another using Es explorer and it correctly named it "" without the.txt

Hope that makes sense.

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Moving Kodi data to sdcard0