v17 Video won't play well
Wanted to followup with the Kodi Team members on this. Since switching over to "your build", things are much nicer. It is not drastic, but I have noticed quicker shutdowns for example. Prior taking about 10 seconds for normal, sometimes longer. With the change, I am down to only a few seconds. So thank you for pointing out the difference, as I mentioned, I was unaware there was any difference at all. I know the example I can show with real data is nothing major, but it tells me that things seem to be operating a bit cleaner, or better, or something....
Kodi Team: I have just done an upgrade to Ubuntu 17.04, and it was nice enough to upgrade me to Kodi 17 at the same time. Anyway, after removing it and putting 16.1 back, the RSS feed was enabled by default. I happened to see that Kodi 17 upgrade is not "necessary". What does that mean exactly? Is there a reason that 16.1 can no longer be used, or are you meaning to advise that there is a new version for upgrade?

Update: Additionally, and this may be related, but it continually wants to update to v17 when updates are run. Is this the issue named above or can this be prevented? Also, it is wanting to keep installing kodi-data and kodi-visualization-spectrum. Prior, I just removed the PPA, but that is no longer working. I will try to put a hold on them for now to lock them.
kodi-data is not part of our PPAs, it is the debian stuff once again.
Thanks for the reply. I had figured it to be something like that. The issue I am having is that I use the PPA provided earlier to get the 16.1 version. With this 17.04 upgrade, running apt upgrade is apparently seeing an upgrade to Kodi from the debian side. Are you aware of this and/or have a solution? As mentioned, I have just placed a hold on kodi, kodi-bin, kodi-data and kodi-visualization-spectrum. This will prevent the first two from being upgraded and the second two from being installed, but I wonder if there is a better solution or maybe something I am missing.

Additionally, could you comment on the v17 upgrade is now necessary part? A slight typo in my original post.


UPDATE: Would also like to confirm what I now have installed: 2:16.1~git20160425.1001-final-0xenial. I have locked that version for both kodi and kodi-bin. Hope it the proper one.
pretty simple: Kodi 16 does not exist for ubuntu 17.04.
If the xenial package(ubuntu 16.04) works for you, keep it, but don't expect any support.
Understood, thanks. Has anything changed with v17 in reference to GPU requirements, or on older ones will it still not work? I ask because I know that 17.1 is now out and I have it on an android device, so I am hoping. Normally there is some support for older versions of software, but that is your choice to force users to upgrade or leave, so I can respect that.

I would be happy to try v17 again since that is the only option offered, just do not to mess anything up. Disappointing though, I really liked Kodi and I am not the only one in this spot. But I just cannot justify upgrading an entire laptop just for Kodi, when all the video content plays just fine on other software and no other programs have any issues, graphics, design, video or otherwise. So if you could advise firther, I would appreciate it. OTherwise, I understand and thank you for all the help you have provided.

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Video won't play well0