Win Shape Windows 10 just for Kodi, like Libreelec

Has anyone tried to install Windows 10 just for Kodi, like Libreelec (embedded operating system)?

I am using HTPC with Kodi 16.1 to watch/listen:

- TV
- Movies
- Series
- Music

At the same time HTPC is also my storage server for backups, movies, series, music....

What I should like to see is when I start HTPC that I only see Kodi starting without:

- Windows Logo
- Desktop

So clean as possible installation because this is only HTPC/storage server pc.

Any recommendations are welcome.
You can use launcher4kodi, to boot straight into Kodi. I still get the windows logo, but it is only visible for a second.
I personally found the use of Launcher4Kodi a hindrance, all it did was reduce my capabilities tbh Laugh

My solution was to stick with the default windows shell, but have my account auto login and with UEFI the boot screen (which I can not change) is only up for 5 or so seconds. I had the taskbar autohide as well as my desktop icons and set the background to the kodi logo.

When I boot my htpc (rarely as it is an always-on machine) All I see is the UEFI Boot screen, Welcome Media PC Screen/Autologin screen then the kodi logo and finally my skin (Xperience1080). This all takes about 25 seconds tops.

For integration of other services e.g. Netflix I use chrome launcher and setup custom logos in my skin to launch chrome in kiosk mode. I also have backend services such as Plex (with the PlexKodiConnect plugin) which is great for remote access and media management, NextPVR for live tv+recording, couchpotato for movies and sonarr for tv shows(with utorrent) along with a few minor extras.

As a backup/storage PC I recommend having the PC on 24/7 as well with an automated restart every night or something similar.

Here's a video of my startup:

And here's some screenshots of my kodi setup:

watch gallery

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Shape Windows 10 just for Kodi, like Libreelec0