Live TV stuttering and sync issues
I have a Hauppauge HVR-1250. Currently on a Pentium 4 3.06Ghz machine Kodi 17 rc4 on Windows 7 32bit.

I am in the USA, ClearQAM and OTA ATSC

I have had similar results on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

Similar results whether I'm using NextPVR, SWMC, or TVheadend.

Similar results whether the receiver is on the same machine as Kodi or on another. They are currently on the same machine. I do have 2 tuners on another Windows 10 machine using NextPVR They stutter in Kodi also.

Similar results on earlier versions of Kodi back to 15, when live TV began.

When I watch Live TV on WinTV7 or WinTV8, WMC, NextPVR or TVheadend no stuttering or buffering or sound sync problems.

When I watch Live TV on Kodi the images look like "computer" videos (runners seem to be dragging their toes on each step) and the sound is just a bit out of sync with buffering. With any of the PVR addons.

With NextPVR I tried all of the filters.

I am getting tired of changing computers and OSs. I seem to be the only one with the problem. Are there any adjustments to Kodi that I'm missing?
Check your deinterlacing settings
None available in Kodi 17 rc4.
How do you mean? Firstly, RC4 hasn't been released. And where are you looking for them, because I have them in my devices running both RC2 and RC3.
Image[/img]Well, dam my lying eyes. The System Info page says it's rc4. I guess I'm special!

This is on windows on PC.

I am looking for them in every category of settings.
You must be using a nightly then. It will display RC4 in the interface; but if you check the GitHub repo, you will see that the latest tagged release is RC3. If you are going to use nightly builds and ask for help, realize that the version of the software you are using is most likely going to be different in under 4 hours from your download because of the rapid rate of changes. If stability is important, stick to actual releases.

As for deinterlace settings:

While playing Live TV, bring up the OSD. Go to the Settings item, then choose Video settings. The first item in that screen is Deinterlave method.
Actually OP has a point here regarding the Deinterlace-setting in Krypton. I have understood that the implementation is now different and for example in Windows-platform there is no more possibility to select deinterlace-method as Kodi is selecting automatically the "best" deinterlace-method from the driver. For example if hardware acceleration is set ON=DXVA2, only deinterlacing-options are OFF and DXVA.
(2017-01-23, 20:44)goodton Wrote: Actually OP has a point here regarding the Deinterlace-setting in Krypton. I have understood that the implementation is now different and for example in Windows-platform there is no more possibility to select deinterlace-method as Kodi is selecting automatically the "best" deinterlace-method from the driver. For example if hardware acceleration is set ON=DXVA2, only deinterlacing-options are OFF and DXVA.
All my desktops and mediaplayers used for Kodi are all Linux, and the deinterlace settings are the same as they were under Jarvis. The location of where to find them may have changed, but they are still there.

If you are adventurous, the interlacing settings can be found in userdata/guisettings.xml under:
OK. Apparently this comment from Kodi GitHub pretty much defines the usage/possibilities of deinterlacing in Krypton (change from Jarvis):

- SW decoding with ffmpeg provides the basic methods: none, yadif, yadif-half
- platforms can override and add additional like render_bob, blend, etc.
- hw decoders define their own

So in practice, this functionality can nowadays look and behave quite differently between platforms and various configurations.
Not exactly a nightly, it is a special build supplied by team member to take care of a problem involving crashes when running 2 pvr addons and then trying to disable one.

Now that I know where to look it is there, now set to off. It is watchable, but the sound sync is still a bit off. Much better than the 2 seconds off it was.

Now audio offset works, too

Next I will see if not allowing DXVA2 will help. It seems to.


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Live TV stuttering and sync issues0