Smart Playlist - Find duplicate files
(2017-05-05, 01:50)madmax2 Wrote: Did you install MySQL so that you can have movie/tv shows progress sync with any kodi devices?
Or what was the reasons for doing this?
Lifted directly from the wiki (wiki) 'cause it's 100% true
  • Share watched and unwatched status for your media on all devices
  • Stop watching a movie or TV show in one room then finish watching it in another room automatically
  • Only one library to maintain for all devices
I tried other solutions like Dropbox and copying the .db file between machines, but it was nothing but trouble

(2017-05-05, 01:50)madmax2 Wrote: I have tried TrackTV to sync the progress, but it is not working 100% good,
basically the feature is flaky..and telling me I haven't finished a movie when I did etc..
I use Trakt also, but mainly for when I drop my database and rebuild it.
The wife would go crazy after each rebuild... "Have we seen this? What about this one?"... not sustainable Smile

(2017-05-05, 01:50)madmax2 Wrote: Do you have a link for the laptop + NAS you bought?
I am also interested in getting a laptop..
Laptop is a DELL Studio 1735 that I bought back in 2008 as my primary laptop.
It's still working well(!) and I'm too cheap to buy a proper server to replace it Big Grin Big Grin
Current laptop is from, 3-4 years old now.
NAS is a Synology DS411, bought about 5 years ago.

(2017-05-05, 01:50)madmax2 Wrote: Have many hdd + size do you have in your NAS?
Do you use an RAID on the NAS or have any backup method for your media?
Planning to do something similiar so I can put all my media on one device.
4 x WD 6TB NAS Red 3.5" in a Synology Hybrid Raid array which stores my media, documents, family photos, home videos, etc.
Backup every night to the external USB drives I used to use before the NAS.
Yes, it may be overkill - but I have no other purpose for the drives.
4x R-Pi4b LibreELEC v10 | Aeon Nox: SiLVO | Flirc cases
Storage Synology DS411 | 4 x WD RED 6TB
Software MariaDB 10.4.19 | Filebot | Ember Media Manager
wiki (wiki) | First time user (wiki) | Debug_Log (wiki) | mysql (wiki) | artwork (wiki)
(2017-05-03, 15:26)madmax2 Wrote: Hi,

Is it possible to find all duplicate movies using Smart Playlist?

Or is there a good way to find all duplicate movies that we have?

There is a good way to find duplicate files. Try to use Duplicate Files Deleter It will do a thorough search of your hard disk and find out the two or more duplicate files of the same file which may be stored at different locations. It will give you a comprehensive list of all those files and you can decide for yourself what you want to do with them. It's easy to use. Hope it will help you.

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Smart Playlist - Find duplicate files0