Kodi as osd-less upnp rederer
Hi all,
Is it possible to use kodi as an osd less upnp renderer? I want to play content to it from another device.
The ideal situation would be if it showed a background while nothing is playing.
So no controls or indicators at all.
I cant realy find the right keywords to search for.

Hope someone can help me!

Yep, turn on upnp and play to kodi.
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Hi Nick,
Thanks for the reply.
But if i stop playing to kodi i would get the kodi control screen again right?
Is there a way to make it go to black or a background image?
Yes you would. I suppose you could adapt a skin to show absolutely nothing when not playing, but really I think you need another tool.


If you told us why you want this scenario and what you are trying to do it might help someone to offer some ideas.
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Hi Nick,
The idea is to use it in a class, an interview is recoded onto a server and has to be playsed back right after.
The problem is the server can only playback via upnp.
Thats why i need a control-less player.
I agree kodi would be a bit over the top, id rather use some commandline player that starts after boot and waits for upnp playback.

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