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Bug Animated Posters Won't Persist - Possible Bug or Setting Issue?
Hi Marcel, hoping you can shed some light on this.

I've had this happen on more than one occasion. I have "prefer animated posters" selected in settings and initially it works fine. However, after some time or after I've done a little playing around with settings, I lose the animated posters and nothing I do seems to make them return.

Any ideas on what I might be doing to cause this or could this be some type of bug?

Please note I am using the Emby add on, native paths selected in Emby settings. I tried an Emby database reset and that doesn't work. The only way to get animated posters back is to start with a "fresh" userdata folder and rebuild everything - not pleasant. Help!


EDIT: Forgot to add, I'm on Krypton 17.3, using the beta version of the skin direct from your repo.
Forget to mention that this is a Windows installation.

Also wanted to add, I can manually select animated posters for each movie that has one available to get them back, but of course that is not preferred.

One other piece of info that might be helpful: Even though the animated posters stop showing up in the movie library view, the animated gifs are still present in the userdata\addon_data\script.module.metadatautils\animatedgifs location. However, the userdata\Thumbnails\animatedgifs location is empty.

Anyone got any ideas?

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Animated Posters Won't Persist - Possible Bug or Setting Issue?0