Android [SOLVED]FireTV SMB- Can't see Win 10 shares on same Workgroup as Working Win 7 shares
Both my Fire TVs (version 1 & 2) can never see any shared disks or folders on my Windows 10 Pro computer when I try to browse to them via SMB. They're shared using the exact same Workgroup as all the disks/folders shared from any of my Windows 7 Pro computers, all of which I always see correctly on SMB.

I realize that Win 10 added a few additional security features to SMB sharing, but I can see and access all the disks/folders shared from my Win 10 computer perfectly well on any of my Windows computers, which proves that they're actually available.  What gives?

Here's what happens: Under either the VIDEOS or MUSIC section, I go to "Add videos/music"...  Then the "Add Video/Music source" pop-up is displayed.  Then I select "Browse". Then I select "Windows network (SMB)".  Then I select my Workgroup. At that point, only shared disks/folders shared from my Windows 7 computer ever show up!

I've repeatedly confirmed that my Win 10 box' Workgroup name is exactly the same as on my Win 7 boxes.  I'm using the Confluence skin with Kodi 16.1.

Please help.

Edited to add: I've tried everything I can think of on the Windows 10 computer side, such as disabling all firewalls and antivirus, enabling Public sharing, enabling 56-bit sharing, etc.  But I do NOT want to use the HomeGroup feature, so I haven't bothered trying that.

Edited Again to add: I've tried most of the tricks I've seen in other threads regarding being unable to see or access shared disks/folders via SMB from Windows 10 computers and none of them work.  For example creating/modifying the "IRPStackSize" value in the registry then either rebooting or restarting the Server service, using values from 4 to 31, but this never works.  Also, I've had no luck trying to access the Win 10 shares using the IP address / username / password / sharename either.  Also, since a while back I was advised to disable SMB 1 due to the ransomware epidemic, I tried re-enabliing it to see if it made a difference.  It did not.

I still desperately need help!

By the way, I'm still running an older version of 64-bit Win 10: it's 1511.

Problem SOLVED!

I've been struggling with this issue for months, and during my search for a solution, I was advised to disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP.  That was exactly wrong!   When I re-enabled it, everything worked perfectly!!

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[SOLVED]FireTV SMB- Can't see Win 10 shares on same Workgroup as Working Win 7 shares0