IMdB rating with TMDB scraper
*shrug* this shouldn't happen; a debug log about a movie refresh with tmdb might help.
Are you sure you have enabled this setting in tmdb on the given source and not only in addons manager(which would only amend the scraper defaults and would not modify scraper settings on existing sources)?
(2018-01-22, 23:27)Guilouz Wrote:
(2018-01-22, 23:18)olympia Wrote: Works for me for those two you mentioned as well.
 Do you use TMDB scraper or Universal movie scraper ?

EDIT : Working only with Universal Movie Scraper 
Setting enable :


And I switch scraper in source settings and re-scrap a movie :

 Estuary MOD V2 
I need a debug log to further analyze.
(2018-01-23, 00:12)olympia Wrote: I need a debug log to further analyze.
 Strange but since I have switched to TMDB scraper -> Universal Movie Scraper -> TMDB scraper, it's working now...
 Estuary MOD V2 
Cool, all is fine then, except that those list functions without votes are not working.
I would have thought it would be in the rating_type column.
(2018-01-23, 07:19)Hitcher Wrote: I would have thought it would be in the rating_type column.
 ...and you are right. There was some issue why a setting was not passed over to the scraper correctly, hence rating_type was populated incorrectly.
(2018-01-20, 08:39)Hitcher Wrote: ListItem.Rating[(name)]
Shows the scraped rating of the currently selected item in a container. Optionally you can specify the name of the scraper to retrieve a specific rating.
Shows the IMDB votes of the currently selected movie in a container. Optionally you can specify the name of the scraper to retrieve specific votes.
Shows the IMDB rating and votes of the currently selected movie in a container. Optionally you can specify the name of the scraper to retrieve a specific rating and votes.
I looked into it and I didn't see the problem at first glance.. 
The actual implementation is ListItem.Ratings() not ListItem.Rating(). With the .Ratings works well
It's my fault since in the original pr ( I actually talked about ListItem.Rating but I implemented .Ratings
Might it be a good idea to change it to ListItem.Rating[(name)] because we still use ListItem.Rating and ListItem.UserRating for the other labels.
(2018-01-24, 17:39)Hitcher Wrote: Might it be a good idea to change it to ListItem.Rating[(name)]because we still use ListItem.Rating and ListItem.UserRating for the other labels.
 I'm starting to think it might be my initial idea since RatingAndVotes has the same name. I can easily do it since nobody probably used it.. It shouldn't be a problem..
Edit: here we go:
Hi, before open a new thread , i ask here.

i have a similiar issue due to get consistent imdb ratings in kodi leia.

check, some IMDB ratings missing to show up.
i scrapped movies with universal movie scrapper and tv shows with thetvdb scrapper,booth enabled imb ratings in the scrapping options.

i can get ratings from imdb just labeled with skinhelper addon code.
using kodi codes results in 0.0

also tv shows are wont scrapped correct, some miing imdb, some not.
i dont get the problem located.

I use the labels in the pics below to show up my results.
sorry if im in wrong thread, i do t know if its related to scrapper, missing api key.

Using listitem.rating[(imdb)] gives blank lines

scraped but missing imdb rating  label ??
(2018-01-23, 00:10)Guilouz Wrote:
(2018-01-22, 23:27)Guilouz Wrote:
(2018-01-22, 23:18)olympia Wrote: Works for me for those two you mentioned as well.
 Do you use TMDB scraper or Universal movie scraper ?

EDIT : Working only with Universal Movie Scraper     
Setting enable :


And I switch scraper in source settings and re-scrap a movie :


I've had this setting set for awhile.
The only way I can get the IMDB rating to show up is to refresh the movie though.
Even my new movies are not adding with the IMDB rating, but 95% of the time add with the TMDB rating.  Out of my recently added movies, only 1-2 actually got the IMDB rating.

I changed to local and back to the TMDB to do what you suggested and rescrap the movies, but I still am lost as to why I don't get the right ratings showing up.

Rescraped with IMDB clearly marked....

All my ratings reverted back to TMDB.
I'm sad Sad 
Edit: It changed the default rating when I rescrapped... sighSad
Still confused as to why new movies won't add with the IMDB rating though and always need a refresh.

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IMdB rating with TMDB scraper0