System.Skin Infolabel

Naturally, appreciate the works of the folk labouring away on Kodi. May I ask that in a future version an infolabel be added that sniffs the skin name? I'm really keen on creating agnostic views for multiple skins and if I can do a string compare of the name this would make what I have in my head a reality. 

Thanks for your time and consideration.
guess you could use xbmc.getSkinDir()

that will return the addon id of the active skin (e.g. skin.estuary)
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That may be perfect. Thanks, ronie. I'll test it out tonight and report back. 

Have an upvote. Your help is appreciated. Big Grin

Apologies, xbmc.getSkinDir() is a function, is that correct? Not an infolabel? I'm a little puzzled as to how I use this as a condition in a variable.

Furthermore, is this only applicable to Kodi 19 M? Or does this apply to all?
it's a python function... i assumed you were writing an addon?
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Ah! I started to gather as much.

No, it was more just a pack of view xmls which would adjust their texture / font / and other resources with variables that detect what skin is currently running via a string compare. The idea was to have it so users could unzip the view pack into the xml / 1080 dir of their chosen skin (from one's I support) and add one line to their includes.xml to make the whole thing work. Hence the query about ways to sniff for currently running skin name.

Can you actually create addons that contain only views? Is that a possibility? Could be an elegant solution.

Thanks for taking the time out to respond to this. Appreciate it.

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System.Skin Infolabel0