Solved TMDB link for TV Shows in the main screen

Eventhought TVDB it is most used scrapper for TV Series (specially for non english speakers), the truth it is that TMDB many times has some TV Shows with more info that TVDB.  I would say TMDB it is as good as TVDB for TV Shows, with many people using it as his principal scrapper rather than using TVDB.

I would like to propose to have TMDB link & ID number into the main screen of TMM to be able to access TMDB TV Show with a simple link.

Right now, we only have acces to IMDB & TVDB for TV Shows, appearing the others as "Other IDs".

Would be great to have TMDB as well with IMDB & TVDB.

will be added in the next version
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TMDB link for TV Shows in the main screen0