Req 4K UHD blu-ray media flag
I was trying to figure how to show the 4K UHD blu-ray media flag in this skin but I realize that it seems to not be implemented in the skin. No problem with DVD or blu-ray, but nothing about the new media format. Is possible to add that flag and file "text parser" to the skin?

Thanks in advance!
It shows in a couple views. I wish I could get a 3D tag; the author of plain Madnox added that for me but he doesn't use discard as much as this skin does. Maybe one day I'll grow a pair and figure out how to mix and match the best of both Smile
(2020-12-04, 02:26)Cromseth Wrote: I was trying to figure how to show the 4K UHD blu-ray media flag in this skin but I realize that it seems to not be implemented in the skin
It looks like it is implemented. The logo is here...
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(2021-01-02, 07:50)Karellen Wrote:
(2020-12-04, 02:26)Cromseth Wrote: I was trying to figure how to show the 4K UHD blu-ray media flag in this skin but I realize that it seems to not be implemented in the skin
It looks like it is implemented. The logo is here...

Thats not what I asked. That logos are "resolution" ones, not "format" ones. That logo is for 4K UHD resolution. I wanted the 4K UHD blu-ray one, as the DVD or blu-ray ones, that are indeed implemented in the skin.

Thanks anyway!

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