Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
v19 Amount of Recording Space Available
I was off Matrix for a couple of months, but since installing Matrix Beta 2 just after new year, the amount of recording space available on both my recording and timer screens is flashing/blinking between what space is available and saying 'unknown'. I've tried 3 different skins and it does the same thing. 
I tried installing a nightly build of Matrix (12th Jan), but it's still doing the same thing.
The fact that nobody else on the E2 or any other PVR backend thread appears to have reported this happening, I'm guessing this might be unique to my own set-up. I tried re-booting the STB to see if that would clear the issue, but it still persists.
Anything else you can think off that might solve this? 
I noticed the same thing.

It is blinking, because there is more than one PVR addon installed and it's showing the stats switching between them. Kind of distracting.

In my case iptv simple client has no diskspace stats,thus it's showing blank when it polls iptvsimple.
(2021-01-24, 14:47)Atreyu Wrote: I noticed the same thing.

It is blinking, because there is more than one PVR addon installed and it's showing the stats switching between them. Kind of distracting.

In my case iptv simple client has no diskspace stats,thus it's showing blank when it polls iptvsimple.
Ah, thanks very much for the confirmation.
I'm the same. I have the IPTV Simple client also installed to use with the PseudoTV live addon, which also will never have any recordings. Well, the IPTV client does not record period. Agree, it is quite distracting. Would be good to have the option to switch this off or not show at all, if the 2nd client is the IPTV Simple client.
I would have thought this should only work for PVR addons that supports recordings. So this is most likely a bug.
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