Android Music covers poor quality

Kodi acts strange on both Android TVBox and windows (music from same source).

Kodi show downscaled terrible quality cover-images from freshly embedded id3 tags. this is a new artist to library, so no old caches.

- I got no folder.jpg in album folders
- No folder for artist-info are set in settings (info folder)
- No hidden files in folders
- nfo`s doesnt scale anything
- all images-covers embedded into id3 tags are over 1000x pxl (and only 1 file embedded, doublechecked and correct scale)
- Most of the others albums in library are correct. (from embedded covers)
i- run kodi in high resolution and got alot of free memory on both os-installs. 

What am i missing? why does Kodi downscale covers without the above atributes?

Thanks for all response on this problem.

Boiker - Norway

i actually found the problem myself. 

When working with the folders in Windows, i always have the "show hidden files" option on. But even with this option on, i noticed a huge problem.  When selecting all files within the folder it stated that it was 53 files. but when i right clicked on the folder/alternatives, it stated that it was 55 files, but they could not be seen. Must have been that the old folder.jpg went into ghost-mode for some unknown reason... 

I created a New folder, copied all the files over, deleted the old, renamed the new folder same as the old, updated library in Kodi and problem solved :-)

took me hooooours to learn this... hope this thread finds the poor soul with the same issue in the future .. 

- Boiker

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