Possible audio stutter/strangeness fix for latest release on Shield Pro
I'm using the latest version of the Nvidia Shield Pro.

With the latest Kodi version installed over the previous version from a year ago, I was having the audio stuttering problem so well documented here. I was also having the app lock up after doing a rewind/play cycle on odd occasions. In fact, it would lock up a few times each day doing that.

I only use the Kodi for MKV playback.

One more oddity was the audio pitch slowly wavering on MKV file playback starts from the beginning of the file. It was a bit like starting a tape on a bad, old reel to reel that takes a few seconds to stabilize it's speed.

Digging into the Android TV settings: Apps > Kodi > Clear data and, then,  Apps > Kodi > Clear cache

Doing this will reset the app to its default state so all of your settings will have to be redone. It's a minor pain in the ass.

The end result, though, is that all of the odd behaviors noted seem to have been alleviated. No stuttering, no wavering and I haven't been able to get the app to lock up.

Mind you that I just did this an hour ago so my testing is not even close to comprehensive, but, having every problem happen with a MKV that played perfectly in VLC, clearing the cache and data has seemed to do the trick.

For the tech guys, I have Pass-through on and set to Kodi IEC packer.

For Android TV/Shield users: I never knew how to force quit an app that was misbehaving. In the Android TV main menu: Apps > App Name  > Force Stop

While writing this, the app's worked perfectly playing back two different MKV's (one that was previously very problematic).

Hope this helps.
Are you sure you have reconfigured all the settings back to their old values? Otherwise, it might simply be that the clearing of Kodi's data changed one of your settings to a default value that happens to work better.
It's not their old values, but their default values that will be created when the app starts for the first time and it finds none.

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Possible audio stutter/strangeness fix for latest release on Shield Pro0