Prevent subfolders being renamed during (TV) scraping.
Is there a way for me to prevent a foldername from being changed during scraping but allows its contents to be scraped and renamed normally?
This problem appears to be affecting TV scrapers only whereas with Movie scrapers all seems well.

To clarify, in the root directory, I have 2 main folders named MOVIES and TV.

Inside each main folder, I have further subfolder classification (by genre)

This is the directory structure:

MOVIES <-- rootfolder (set to scrape to IMDB with Universal Movie Scraper)

TV <-- rootfolder (set to scrape with The TVDB v4)
    Action  <-- subfolder (gets renamed improperly)
    Disney <-- subfolder (gets renamed improperly)

          Baymax <-- TV Series folder gets renamed correctly
              Season 01
          Big Hero 6<-- TV Series folder gets renamed correctly
              Season 01
              Season 02
      Horror <-- subfolder (gets renamed improperly)
      War     <-- subfolder (gets renamed improperly)

The problem is that all the main subfolders only (Action, Disney, Horror, War, etc) gets renamed to something else (for example, Disney gets renamed to Disney Insider).  All other files and folders under it gets named correctly.

I notice that this affects only TV Scrapers while Movie Scrapers appear to be fine.

When I look at the foldernames using file explorer they are okay. It is in the kodi TV listing that they appear renamed and messed up.

How can I remedy this? I've tried different TV scrapers and cleaned library but still won't work.
It's because the scraper thinks those folders are TV shows as well and finds the closest match. Try adding each subfolder as their own root.
Alternatively, under the files section from the main menu, go to one of the "group" folders (e.g. Action or Disney above) and open its context menu.

In there you should see "change content" as one of the options - select that. In there should be an option for "Selected Folder Contains a Single TV Show". Make sure that is only selected for entries where it is correct, and for the group folders make sure it is not selected.

By default, Kodi will set that flag as on/true for folders one level down from the root of the source. But in your case that is not correct, you need it a level lower.

The easiest way to do this from scratch is to set up a new source, but do not select any file type (movies, tv shows etc, leave it as none). Then go back into the source and using that same "change content" option in the context menu, go to each of the group folders and set those to be TV shows. Kodi will then go away and set the flag one level down again as usual, but this time it will be the correct place (e.g. your Baymax and Big Hero 6 folders if you did it on the Disney group folder).

I have the same set-up as part of my source tree, and it works fine. The scraping is recursive, but it needs guidance sometimes as to what is file/folder tree structure and what is actually TV shows...
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Prevent subfolders being renamed during (TV) scraping.0