Help getting a context menu addon working
Hi, I'm trying to create a custom context item add-on, following the instructions on the Wiki (Context_Item_Add-ons (wiki)). I'm running Kodi Matrix (v19), the latest stable release. I downloaded the Hello World Add-on (HOW-TO:HelloWorld_addon (wiki)) and, after changing the python dependency to Python 3 installed it without issue. I'm trying to convert it into a context item add-on, but I'm not having any luck. Here is my addon.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<addon id="" name="Hello World" version="1.0.2" provider-name="zag">
        <import addon="xbmc.python" version="2.14.0"/>
    <extension point="xbmc.python.script" library="">
    <extension point="kodi.context.item">
        <menu id="kodi.core.main">
            <item library="">
    <extension point="xbmc.addon.metadata">
        <summary lang="en">Popup Hello World</summary>
        <description lang="en">Example Script to show Hello World</description>
        <license>GNU General Public License, v2</license>
        <news>Updated the addon to use new addon.xml metadata</news>

To be clear, the only change I made from the working add-on is adding the extension point for the kodi context item:

    <extension point="kodi.context.item">
        <menu id="kodi.core.main">
            <item library="">

The only relevant excerpt from the Kodi logs:
DEBUG<general>: CAddonInstaller: installing from zip '/home/admin/Documents/addons/'
ERROR<general>: CAddonInfoBuilder::Generate: Unable to load 'zip://', Line 29
Error reading end tag
Whoops, sorry, I'm posting on a different device. I forgot to edit the Python version above. It has been changed in the file itself:

        <import addon="xbmc.python" version="3.0.0"/>
Thread moved to addon development, as the add-on support section is for published/established add-ons.
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(2022-12-08, 09:42)iqbd Wrote: To be clear, the only change I made from the working add-on is adding the extension point for the kodi context item:
<extension point="kodi.context.item"> <menu id="kodi.core.main"> <item library=""> <label>TEST</label> <visible>true</visible> </item> </menu> </extension>

I believe Label need to be a valid variable or a string.  TEST is not a valid variable nor string.  Try "TEST" or a valid number from strngs.po.


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Help getting a context menu addon working0