Win Pluto.TV - Random flashing colors on video playback [Win7-32bit]
Hello, I'm trying to watch Pluto TV on kodi for Windows using the add on, but on every channel, it has random flashing colors but the audio is fine. if computer specs help, it's a Dell optiplex GX620 from 2006, with 1GB RAM running Windows 7 32 bit. it is pretty old, but the weird thing is I actually tried it with LibreELEC and has no problems there, but I prefer to have Windows. any help is appreciated.
double check your system against
verify drivers are installed
post a debug log -
it looks like kodi might be able to run but its all got to be just right
Ok, I went to the links provided, and I forgot to mention the computer has a pentium 4 processor at 2.80GHz so it should be compatible and I uploaded the log file using the kodi logfile uploader with the link to it here

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Pluto.TV - Random flashing colors on video playback [Win7-32bit]0