Random Pauses in all video files
I have Kodi installed on 3 Sony TV's all are having the same issues. During playback, it just freezes, but if I hit pause, wait 2 seconds, then hit play, it resumes like nothing happened. I have a log file below that caught it happening 3 times when I was watching an episode of Stargate Atlantis. These installations are very basic, only have Kodi, and Aeon MQ with needed addon's installed. Please let me know if I can provide another log, or anything else. In the log provided, there is a lot of errors that replicated themselves so I cut them out and left a few at the beginning and a few at the end of it to show, but the log was too long.

Log File
see https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/issues/19331

disable hardware acceleration

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Random Pauses in all video files0