Accidentally deleted kodi on shield pro, it reloaded with default setup.
Deleted kodi by accident on shield pro.

Upon reinstall its on. Defaults did injust wipenout all my work? Or is it still there somewhere ready to reinstall my settings?
How did you 'delete' Kodi? Via the Android official way, or some other hacky method? And doesn't Android remove app data folders by default when using the store?

You could try and make a SMB connection to your Shield from a normal computer, and see if Kodi's profile folder is still there. If it's no longer there, then it's "Go back to Start" for you in Monopoly terms.

You can also copy your NvShield's Kodi folders to your PC as regular backups, just in case these awkward moments happen.
Under Android, an uninstall via the store nukes everything. That's how Android works...

So unless a backup was made of the settings, they are gone and will need to be set up again from scratch.
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Accidentally deleted kodi on shield pro, it reloaded with default setup.0