Speech to text warnings?
I keep getting notices in kodi “insufficient speech to text” ….something. I checked in shield and it looks like speech to text is off…not sure why it keeps popping up. Anyone know how to turn it off?
Android Speech Recognition Insufficient Permission?

sounds like after you installed, the first time you ran kodi, it asked for permission to microphone to which you answered No

you will have to go into your shield permission settings and allow, or remove/reinstall and answer yes


only guessing since not even an entire error title was provided
I did put no, I take it I have no choice but to allow unless I want to keep getting these pop Ups.
it would appear so since you can already see the affect - im not aware of anything that can be disabled in kodi to stop this when permission has been denied
It should only appear when you try to activate speech to text, which is only long press enter in Kodis virtual keyboard dialog. Just don’t do that and no more warnings.
True, I keep hitting it in accident. Might look deeper to see if I can disable the function .

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