Solved Kodi, shield pro, not seeing second nas
I have a second nas I’m trying to add. On nfs it saw the first up right away however it’s failing to see the second nas. I found it under zeroconf however it’s not permitted. I found some settings to change the smb to make it work and it still didn’t work. Kinda stumped.
Can you add the 2nd nas manually to your sources.xml file?
That’s new to me, I’ll look it up and try it…
So to be clear that’s the xml in the kodi data file and not something on the nas itself. I found references to both and some code I think I can copy and paste with the ip to try.
(2023-06-02, 23:54)Jman5150 Wrote: So to be clear that’s the xml in the kodi data file and not something on the nas itself.


….if this applies to anyone in the future…I had some issues with the xml too. Turns out the switch I’m using to connect the shield pro and two NASs has problems with different IPs. I was told I needed a layer 3 switch for that to work….or…connect to shield directly “through shield attached storage” worked instantly…had an issue play-backing files after linked up but there was a setting to allow that too…

all is working now!
I got it seeing the network! Thanks again for the help!
(2023-06-04, 11:06)Jman5150 Wrote: . I was told I needed a layer 3 switch for that to work….
That's total BS, but I'm glad things are working for you now.
Thread marked solved.

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Kodi, shield pro, not seeing second nas0