Sidebar Seach for addons "Searching... No Results Found"
This is something that has bugged me for quite a while, even after I seem to remember (years ago) solving it.

The sidebar Search works in Video, and Music, but not for any addon I've used for years now.  I'm a dev and, as I said, remember fixing this issue previously, but now I've absolutely no idea how to.  I can't find any of the docs about this feature at all, nor any method of plugging it in to the addon/view you're currently in.

It doesn't even work in the (outdated?) sample video addon that's in the wiki - .  No matter which view you're in, it shows up "No results found" for any search.  I've found random bits of advice, which had
Quote:"The whole def search_new code needs to be replaced with the code here"
But, that was seemed to be from a ropey old addon that seems to be dead anyway.  Nonetheless I still created a search, and search_new function which obviously did nothing cos they weren't plugged in anywhere. 

I tried to look through the kodi source, to try find where this connects to, I looked throught the trakt addon's code, cos I seem to remember that that search worked before (when the addon worked), but again couldn't find where/how the sidebar search may be plugged into.  Nothing pops up in the logging to give a hint as to how it's connected either, it seems to check something, but then returns with the regular empty results.  The filter option works perfectly though.

So yeah, I don't want to do anything too complicated, but I'd love to know what's going on, and, in a perfect world, where it's documented nicely Smile
i couldnt recall ever using the sideblade search with my addons and it seems all of mine actually implement search by adding it as a list item so it seems this is the preferred method rather than the sideblade
(2023-06-19, 17:02)jepsizofye Wrote: i couldnt recall ever using the sideblade search with my addons and it seems all of mine actually implement search by adding it as a list item so it seems this is the preferred method rather than the sideblade

Thanks for the reply, but I already have this functionality as a listitem already.  If possible, I'd like it in both places, specifically in the sideblade as that will have the context for the view you're in (though this would work quite like filter).  Again, my main point here is for information.

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Sidebar Seach for addons "Searching... No Results Found"0