v20 Music Videos not displays in main menu
In 2 box (linux with 20.3 and Odroid N2 with Coreelec), Music videos doesn't display the thumbs when selected in main menu.
Movies and Music display the thumbs, not Music videos.

I tried with the 2 organisations;
- Mymusicvideo dir > Artist - Title dir > video.mkv or video.ts file
- Mymusicvideo dir > Artist - Title.mkv or Artist - Title.ts file
I added the source in 2 ways, or from the main menu or from Setting>Medias>Video ...

Moreover, when I click Music Videos in the main menu, when I select Artists or Titles or Album, I get nothing. I have to go to the file window to get the thumbs.

What am I doing wrong?
Config, video/audio player:
3T HDD <USB> Odroid N2+ / CoreElec <HDMI> Denon AVR-2313 <HDMI> LG TV 55UF860V
                                          <nfs wired> Linksys WRT32X router <USB> 4T HDD
That is a skin setting.

With "show posters" turned on.


Turn this setting -> settings -> interface -> configure skin -> artwork -> show posters instead of thumbs for musicvideos OFF.

Makes it look like this

Learning Linux the hard way !!
I did it, it was OFF.
But unfortunately nothing better even after scan for new content, update lib and restart. Sad

Should I remove and reinstall the source? I'll do it.

Edit: I did it the restart. Nothing better, no thumb in the main menu. Where am I wrong?
Config, video/audio player:
3T HDD <USB> Odroid N2+ / CoreElec <HDMI> Denon AVR-2313 <HDMI> LG TV 55UF860V
                                          <nfs wired> Linksys WRT32X router <USB> 4T HDD
(2024-02-01, 19:06)MrNice Wrote: But unfortunately nothing better even after scan for new content, update lib and restart. Sad

Are you using nfo files?  For example, for the Pink Floyd "Animals" video in the first screenshot, the nfo is here.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
So far, I don't use .nfo. I only have in the source dir or
Artist - title.mkv or ts and Artist - title-poster.jpg
Artist - title dir > Artist - title.mkv/ts and folder.jpg

I think I'll have to add .nfo. Thanks for the example.
As ask in the other post, how do you fill the nfo, auto or manually?
Config, video/audio player:
3T HDD <USB> Odroid N2+ / CoreElec <HDMI> Denon AVR-2313 <HDMI> LG TV 55UF860V
                                          <nfs wired> Linksys WRT32X router <USB> 4T HDD
(2024-02-01, 19:50)MrNice Wrote: As ask in the other post, how do you fill the nfo, auto or manually?

I use a 3rd party media manager.  Usually MediaElch (forum thread here) but there are others. Most of my concerts can be scraped from imdb but if not, then I can add the info manually where necessary.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
(2024-02-01, 20:37)black_eagle Wrote: I use a 3rd party media manager.  Usually MediaElch 

That muddles the waters a bit, as MediaElch will output everything as "music videos". So there will be a 3 minutes clip and a 2h concert right next to each other. As you say I also much prefer to scan my concerts as movies and keep them on their own section, not mixed with MVs; the users of this forum often seems to want something else.

I'm gonna go on a verbal detour cause I love MV's and have 5 min to kill Smile. As an MV collector (and performance videos and many other things) I'm kind of hardcore about their metadata. In my opinion the best source for info for (true) music videos is Wikipedia. Like, on the right page one gets (example Dua Lipa - Houdini)
Quote:Music video
The music video for "Houdini" was directed by Manu Cossu and released alongside the song. It is set in a dance studio, where a redheaded Lipa performs a choreography with a group of redheaded male dancers. According to Vogue, the video appears to be a reference to the video for "Hung Up" (2005) by Madonna.
That tells us details about the actual item being scanned - the MV, which is what I want, and not about the song itself or other related items.

The problem is obvious - there is no scrapper for Wikipedia, and from my experiments that wiki Music Video section is all over the place (it can exist or not, it can be on various places on the page, it can exist multiple times if the song was covered by multiple artists and there are multiple music videos, etc). I'm no coder but it doesn't seem easy to just grab Beautiful Soup and some python code and boom! have a scrapper for the necessary part, without fail.

There have been efforts (Media Companion) but from my trials it misses the target pretty often (grabbing the release date of the audio single, and that's not a given it's the exact same one for the MV, the producer of the song as the director of the MV - and that's wrong, the music label of the artist as the producing studio, etc). It's not easy.

And so, for when I'm making my own nfos for MVs, I use an over-engineered Autohotkey script (when one doesn't know how to code ends up writing complex scaffolding in Autohotkey) that semi-automatically gets that description from wikipedia. It gets to the page and literally pauses and waits for me to select what I want off the page and copy it to clipboard, then cleans it up, paste it in the right place in Notepad++ that has the NFO file open etc. It's a lot of insanity, and not 100% bulletproof. Maybe I'll make a post about it if I ever decide my clumsy efforts are worth sharing.

This would be much easier of course, if everybody would agree on one place to contribute to (preferably one with an API), with all the MV details - theaudiodb.com or imvdb.com (there used to be a scraper for this, right?) or whatever. But I don't see a lot of traction on that front. Maybe I'll learn Python in the next 5 years and do it myself. Maybe the MV collectors will unite. One can hope Smile.
(2024-02-02, 03:49)Daydream Wrote: That muddles the waters a bit, as MediaElch will output everything as "music videos".

Beg to differ actually. See this nfo for instance.

Anyway, because music videos use the video database, not the music database, where they end up in it and how they are presented is mainly down to the category that you set on your source(s). You could for instance, set a music concert source to "movies" and then use a node or smart playlist to separate them out and display them in a skin - however, you won't get any of the music database crossover stuff that I wrote a couple of years ago. So artist images, bio etc would hav e to be added manually.

I do have a fair few 3 minute videos but I must admit most of them are concerts or dvd / bluray collections where the info in the collection is the sort of stuff you are looking for.

I did write a python scraper a while ago for music videos using theaudiodb, but of course, it depends on people contributing the right stuff to it. At the time it was purely an experiment but who knows?.......
Learning Linux the hard way !!
Thank you for you valuable comments.
However this is a way above my head. I need very basic setup and first I don't want to spend more time to organise/scrap the library.
So I need to,
- See the thumbs in the main menu when Music Videos is select
- Artist name, Concert/Show/Clip name, date
I'd guess what MediaElch provide is enough
- Batch scraping would be the best

So I installed MediaElch, Have a question.
I can see all my MVs in the program but for the DVD and BD formats I get VIDEO and STREAM name instead of Artist name, Concert name.
I tried with tree
MV dir / Artist - Concert dir / VIDEO_TS
MV dir / Artist dir / Concert dir / VIDEO_TS
No success
How to fix that ?

Edit: I found the when the DVD is audio only, not video stream, it appears AUDIO in MediaElch
Now I have to find for Blu-ray
Config, video/audio player:
3T HDD <USB> Odroid N2+ / CoreElec <HDMI> Denon AVR-2313 <HDMI> LG TV 55UF860V
                                          <nfs wired> Linksys WRT32X router <USB> 4T HDD

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Music Videos not displays in main menu0