__foo__ global variables. Are they mandatory/needed?
Hi all,

Several years ago I adopted a subtitles add-on and its service.py file included lines like this at the top:


__addon__ = xbmcaddon.Addon()
__author__ = __addon__.getAddonInfo("author")
__scriptid__ = __addon__.getAddonInfo("id")
__scriptname__ = __addon__.getAddonInfo("name")
__version__ = "x.y.z"
__language__ = __addon__.getLocalizedString

__cwd__ = xbmcvfs.translatePath(__addon__.getAddonInfo("path"))
__profile__ = xbmcvfs.translatePath(__addon__.getAddonInfo("profile"))

A GitHub [1]search finds many occurrences of them in different Kodi addon repositories.

But e.g. I don't find them in Kodi's own codebase (searched for [2]__scriptid__).
Also, in the https://kodi.wiki site add-ons documentation section there is no formal mention of them as something that needs to be present, although an [3]article there that teaches how to create a minimal GUI add-on has a couple of them.

Are these actually mandated for an add-on to work correctly? Is it a[n old] convention of some sort?


1. https://github.com/search?q=path%3Aservi...&type=code
2. https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Axbmc%...&type=code
3. https://kodi.wiki/view/GUI_tutorial
I can't answer you question/s as I do nothing with addons, but maybe these wiki pages might help

Those are just "aliases" you are defining yourself. If you don't use them, you don't need them.
It's just an old naming convention that has no special meaning. I usually use ALL_CAPS naming for globals but it's just a matter of a preferred code style.

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__foo__ global variables. Are they mandatory/needed?0