v20 TVDB scraper returns incorrect Doctor Who Show
I know there's been some renaming of the DW show. But I don't know if this is related to that.

When I scan my library, thetvdb.com.v4 returns "https://thetvdb.com/series/tales-of-the-tardis" as the show, rather than "https://thetvdb.com/series/doctor-who-2023". 

Folder name: Doctor Who (2023)
File Name: Doctor Who (2023)\Season 01\Doctor Who (2023) - S01E01 - Space Babies.mkv

Need the full log
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Had a quick look at their listing. Unfortunately TheTVDB listing is misleading as displayed.

To distinguish this new Doctor Who show from the umpteen other listings of Doctor Who at TVDB, they chose to append (2023) to the title. Why? No idea.
(2023) is part of the title.

So, your folder should be named Doctor Who (2023) (2024).
Seems a bit silly.
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Oh, that's annoying.

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Isn't the 2005 version "Doctor Who (2005)".  But I am still seeing a year issue with the data, I'll open a ticket with them
Yes, Doctor Who (2005) is the same issue. The Saving Grace here is that the appended (2005) actually matches the year S01E01 was aired.

Doctor Who (2023) did not have S01E01 aired in 2023. If they had named the show Doctor Who (2024), there wouldn't have been a problem. But because they have used a different year, the correct year of (2024) needs to be appended.

Doctor Who (2023) (2024)

Yea, open a ticket and ask them to change to (2024).
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So that's the interesting thing. The specials did air in 2023. Before episode 1.
Yes, the Specials did air in 2023.

But if IIRC from when we were creating the new v4 scraper for their new v4 API, it is the date of S01E01 that is returned by the API as the year for the show.
I remember we had this problem with Battlestar Galactica. The mini-series (which is combined in the main listing) predated the main show, so users kept adding the miniseries release year instead of the main tv show year.
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TVDB scraper returns incorrect Doctor Who Show0