Req Initial buffer for IPTV stream
Does anybody know what is the equivalent of deprecated advanced settings
that prevented initial playing problems on channel switch.
Before, with the above mentioned settings, playing begun half a second after the channel switch and there were no problems afterwards.
Now the playing starts immediately after channel switch and results in choppy audio until buffering is performed (sometimes even tens of seconds later) that breaks playing for around 2 seconds.

Or at least what is the latest version of Kodi where above settings are still valid? So far I see version 17 still accepts them.
Maybe chunksize in settings-services-caching. I think it's introduced after Matrix.
I don't see any such option (i.e. caching) on Android.
What I understand from the answers to similar "complains" is that add-on is now responsible to take care of the initial buffer - even more in this case of a live stream.
IMHO "IPTV Simple Client" would need to have an option to set the initial buffer and only once it gets filled it should start playing. I'm not talking here about the unreliable streams... my IPTV was (and still is) working perfectly with older versions (17.x is the last one if I'm not mistaken). Start playing the stream immediately after connection is made is definitely not a good approach, even with reliable source.
Do you have a full debug log showing the problem?

There were some changes to how files are handled in Omega in Kodi. Is it only omega that has a problem or other versions too?
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here

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Initial buffer for IPTV stream0