RCA Remote Codes in Windows using MCE IR Receiver
First - I'm loving XBMC in Windows. Great job.

I've got this working nearly flawlessly with my Harmony 890 remote. I've done this by reading lots but basically it's programmed as an MCE remote and then by using EventGhost to map the commands to XBMC. Everything is working beautifully but now I'm trying to put the finishing touches on my remote and I'm stuck.

When I used XBMC on my modded Xbox I was able to use the RCA codes to customize my remote a bit. I had shortcut buttons to jump directly to certain sources (My DVDs, Kids DVDs, and Home Vidoes). This was perfect b/c the kids could pick up the remote, hit one button and jump directly to a listing of the DVDs, find the one they wanted and hit play. Beautiful!

I did this by using an old Pronto remote to teach my Harmony the codes. I then assigned those codes to a source in the keymap.xls file. I'd use the activate window command followed by naming the source. Below is an exact excerpt from the global section of the keymap file:

<obc10>XBMC.ActivateWindow(MyVideos,KidsS) </obc10>
<obc20>XBMC.ActivateWindow(MyVideos,Home Videos)</obc20>

This worked perfectly on XBMC on the Xbox but for the life of me I cannot get it to work on the Windows version.

Anyone have any ideas why? Will the MCE receiver just flat out not recognize those codes or is there another issue?

Thanks in advance for any help!
Bump... anybody??

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RCA Remote Codes in Windows using MCE IR Receiver0