Problem with SMB shares
I have XBMC on a range of devices at home, stretching from my AppleTV to my HTPC and all the notebooks/laptops in the house. They all connect to my central home server which dishes out the media to them. Now they all work fine except for my HTPC running Windows Vista.

The problem is this. Every time after I start XBMC, to get a video to play I have to enter the file browser and connect to the shares entering my password (it remembers the username). The password was entered when I added the shares and it is also saved as the default SMB password. I have no idea why it is doing this when all my other devices (mind you none of them running Windows) are saving passwords fine.

Any clues?
You've changed the username or password after scanning to library? Unfortunately we store those credentials in the database (see If so, only way to get things right is either to change the password via a sqlite editor or remove any items and re-scrape with the newly added and correct credentials.
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When I try to connect to my SMB shares (from my Linux box running Samba) by browsing I get "Error -1073741772: share not available". When I specify all the particulars I get a dialog asking me to "Lock preferences for smb://server/share" prompting for my username and password. I put those in and select OK and it goes away for a second then askes again.

If I just OK that dialog box (my username is already filled in but the password has nothing) then I get

Unable to connect

XBMC was unable to connect to the network location.
This could be due to the network not being connected.
Would you like to add it anyway?
I have changed credentials now, to make it easier to enter (added it to the sources list as well, so no need to type password) but the problem surfaced before any such changes were made. I did, however, switch builds a few times, could that have something to do with it?
Please post a full debug log using pastebin or any other similar service.
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While on the subject, is it just me that have slow listing over smb?
First: get the latest build from the third party sticky. The error above sounds like the Atlantis build -> known error

second: If it's slow try to disable the firewall and try again (once on client once on server). Somehow it waits for a timeout and I dunno how to fix that.
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already using the latest third party build from jester.
And disabeling the firewall does not seem like a very good idea.
Why dont you try it for testing purposes anyways.
I believe their is option in advancesettings.xml to remove stat option which should make it faster.
Similar problems here. After upgrading samba from 3.0 to 3.2 (debian etch->lenny), xbmc started to ask for username/password of smb shares.

From xbmc.log:

21:57:48 M: 34418688   ERROR: SMBDirectory->GetDirectory: Unable to open directory : 'smb://user:pw@host/share'
                             unix_err:'2' nt_err : 'c0000022' error : 'Access denied'
21:57:48 M: 34418688   ERROR: DIRECTORY::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting smb://user:pw@host/share/

After downgrading to the old samba version, everything works fine again.

So this problems seems to be related to samba 3.2. Unfortunately i was not able yet to find any information about any samba setting that might need to be set to have it also working with the newer version.
CrashX: yeah but it shouldn't be a problem. The line is a local gbit lan so the speed should be about the same as that for local listing most of the time.
Disabeling the firewalls did nothing for me.
Please post full debug logs so we can get an idea how long it takes ..
haarspalter Wrote:Similar problems here. After upgrading samba from 3.0 to 3.2 (debian etch->lenny), xbmc started to ask for username/password of smb shares.
Are you sure you're running latest svn? The error log you showed reminds me of the old 8.10 version. Please try the latest version.
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Problem with SMB shares0