movie.nfo - thumb for Directors?
When I browse the MOVIE using directors ... I would like to see the pictures of the directors (just like ACTORS pictures).

My assumption is that the ACTOR pictures are keyed in from movie.nfo file ... something like this....

Quote: <actor>
<name>Eddie Deezen</name>

Is there an xml tag for DIRECTORS thumb?

I would like the pictures of the DIRECTORS show up when I filter thru DIRECTORS.
It's not supported, no. A patch would be welcome - effectively it'd involve splitting the current <director> and <writer> tags up into individuals, and supporting a thumb. I'm sure there's other stuff (caching of thumbs etc.) that would also need supporting.

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Quote:A patch would be welcome - effectively it'd involve splitting the current <director> and <writer> tags up into individuals, and supporting a thumb. I'm sure there's other stuff (caching of thumbs etc.) that would also need supporting.

I would second that!

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movie.nfo - thumb for Directors?0