Hard Drives - To Sleep Or Not To Sleep, That Is The Question
Hello everyone!

I have eleven 1.5TB hard drives connected to a dedicated Windows box in a separate room (all shared). Right now the machine stays on 24/7 and is great because all of my media is available whenever I want it. But I'm conflicted as to whether or not to schedule automatic suspend of the machine which would in-turn, spin down all of the drives and give them a rest.

I have heard different opinions about the pros and cons of doing this but it seems to me that it would reduce wear and tear if they had a rest every once in a while (maybe bi-weekly).

So I thought I would send out the call to the fine folks here on this forum. Any opinions or past experience are welcome.
5 years of hard drives not sleeping and counting (3TB total). Not shutdowns, just restarts. I advice against it (sleeping hard-drives) if you download or (especially) seed files from that hard drives because the drive is stressed from time to time by these files (the drive is powered on/off so many times that this can't be good). The sound of a hard-drive spinning-down/up is kinda scary..
As log as the temperature isn't sky-high, as long as you don't perform copy/move files all day log, you should be fine. You don't save the planet, or a whale, or prevent global warming, but you should be fine.
My trick is this: if your hard-drive pass the guaranteed period, you should put some permanent data on it and put it on a shelter, use it only you need it. But if your hard drive is on a trial period, stress it as much as you can, no mercy Smile .
This is my advices after using all brands, more than five yrs. There is no more reliable brands, just luck. I saw glorious brands failed, i own low-cost-brands that works after 7 yrs. My advice: if you use data on a daily basis, keep the hard drives plugged in as long as you want. If you don't, plug them when you need them Wink
would like to add make sure you have backups and backups of backups, it is a real time and in some cases a life saver. i have 5tb of data that is backed up twice so in total i have 15 tb worth of harddrives. most of my media and my documents are on these so 2 backups is playing it safe

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Hard Drives - To Sleep Or Not To Sleep, That Is The Question0