Video freezes, audio continues playing (logs included)
I was previously using XBMC with no problems on Windows 7 32-bit RTM. Everything worked great with the standard build available from

After seeing how nicely Windows 7 ran, I decided I should probably update to the x64 version to take advantage of the 4GB of system memory that I have. This is where XBMC has run into problems.

While playing h264 video streams (even streams which I have VERIFIED to work with no issues in W7 32-bit), the video will randomly freeze while the audio will continue on. This behavior is invariant of the sound output settings (whether digital or analog), vsync in XBMC (whether on, off, off in video, or forced by driver), or skin sounds (whether on or off).

All drivers in the system are updated and current. I have tried running XBMC in multiple compatibility modes to no avail. The newest XBMC nightly did not fix my problem, and also introduced a bug where in MediaStream accessing the 'Video' Section in the Settings crashes XBMC predictably.

Here's the pastebin

The error on line 61 "ERROR: CDVDPlayerVideo:Tonguerocess - Exception caught when outputing picture" is the error that is consistent with the time that the video freezes.

A quick google of the error pulled up a handful of results with seemingly nothing to do with my problems.

Can anyone help me?
You might start by grabbing a more recent build of xbmc, just to see if that fixes the issue.
I've tried a newish SVN. No dice.

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Video freezes, audio continues playing (logs included)0