Full Screen Fanart in Slide View

Just wanted to express my gratitude on the work you've put into this skin. I've started tinkering with the xml's myself trying to figure out how skins work. Using your tips, along with the wiki, I've been able to figure how to move controls and images around, and am having alot of fun just playing with the layouts.

Anyway, can you tell me if there is an easy way to display only the fanart when pushing down 2x (or even once, sacrificing the slider bar) in the Slide view? An example is Aeon's showcase. I know in View-Slide.xml there is the <ondown> part of the code that controls what happens, but I'm not sure how to hide everything, then bring it back up when pressing up again.

It is beyond my understanding of skinning at this point, so I'm not sure how easy it is to implement.

Thanks Again!
when you press down, the scrollbar is focussed...so you could use that as a condition for a fade animation.
since the id of the scrollbar control is '60', your animation should look like this:
<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="300" condition="Control.HasFocus(60)">conditional</animation>

just put that code at the top of View-Slide.xml, just below <include name="Slide">

now, only the scrollbar will still be visible, if that is a problem for you add another animation to the scrollbar (the one that's visible when Control.IsVisible(596)) in Includes.xml:
<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="0" condition="Control.IsVisible(596) + Control.HasFocus(60)">conditional</animation>
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Awesome! You ARE the man.Cool
By scrollbar, you mean an actual scrollbar, like, for example, this one we see in this screenshot of Confluence, below the "Casino Royale" caption?

That would be funny, because I can't see a scrollbar in the Slide view, and it is something I always wanted to have, because it would make much easier to navigate in this view using mouse.
Hmmm, now I saw it. This is a feature of version 2.10 right?
i honestly can't remember if it was already there in v2.01 or not...
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Full Screen Fanart in Slide View0