Video jitter or lip-sync

I have been struggling to setup XBMClive 9.11 on ZOTAC IONITX-A-U for the past 2 weeks with all sorts of audio/video problems.

After searching around I managed to get everything working fine except this issue.

My setup is the following:

4GB OCZ 800Mhz (2x2 dual channel)
HDMI to Sony 40Z450
Coaxial to Yamaha V440 for digital pass-through

Originally, I got this occasional video jitter that appears every few seconds in HD and SD content. It's bad and video quality is not smooth at all.

I noticed that although videos were at 23.9xx fps the LCD refresh rate was constant 60hz (or 50hz).

I added Option "FlatPanelProperties" "Scaling = Native" to xorg.conf and enabled auto set refresh rate and now the LCD sets 24hz when a video plays and goes back to 60hz when I'm in the menu. Video is as smooth as can be and I was ready to jump all around from happiness.

Unfortunately now I suffer from this strange audio/video sync (or lip-sync). It kind of comes and goes as the movie plays and it gets bad (like over 500ms). When I pause or FFD/RWD it just keeps getting worse.

I play both MKV/DTS-pass-through and Divx/stereo.

I have read about the exact same scenario with Plex but there was no solution yet. Infact people were suggesting moving to XBMC instead so I hope there is a solution because I'm about to give up. Sad


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Video jitter or lip-sync0