Motion JPEG Video from Canon Camera - Playback is Wonky
I have a Canon SD600 digital camera that uses Motion JPEG compresion within an AVI wrapper and mono PCM audio and when I play the files even in the most recent build of XMBC for Windows (this actually has been a problem for a while) which is "Camelot 9.11" the video and audio are out of sych for the first 30 seconds and the video is playing very slow like it's droping a lot of frames. This is a major issue for me because most of the videos of my family are only 30 seconds to a minute long anyway and by the time the video and audio get in synch the video is over.

I have this problem on both my 2 laptops and my HTPC. All 3 computers are very new Core 2 with plenty of RAM and all other files including full 1080 play great. A clue might be that the videos play great using Windows Media Player and if I play them in XBMC by way of the PlayOn server on my HTPC then they play fine.

Any experience or suggestions are appreciated before I submit a bug report.
I'm having the exact same problem you are and with videos from my Canon A70. 3 years worth of videos. I've been looking to update my media center software since I'm using beyondMedia (discontinued) but this is a deal breaker for me.

If this was fixed xbmc would be the clear winner to take over my media center duties but since I can't play home movies I can't justify the move. Hope this gets corrected soon.
Suspect those files may be using non interleaved avi. But that should work normally. A debug log and a sample would be nice.

Plus either of you should open a trac bugreport on this issue.
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Havock already has a ticket open:

I've searched the forums and the web and it appears that other bugs on this same topic have been opened before. I've also found forum threads going back to this summer and I believe one went back to 2007 or so. One bug even stated that these types of videos caused linux to crash.

Apparently this is a bug that has been around for some time and hasn't been fixed. Personally I'd love to see this corrected xbmc has lots going for it but to me this is critical if I'm to use it.

btw here's an earlier bug of the same problem:
I've opened a trac Ticket #8586 and submitted a sample. I'll work on getting a debug log tonight.
Per the instructions in the wiki I've turned on "debug logging" via the GUI, played the video file in question, and then quit XMBC but I cant find the xbmc.log file anywhere. I've searched my entire system and all that is found is "". Thoughts suggestions on why a .log file is not being created or why it cant be found?
Nevermind. Wink I was finaly able to locate the .log file. It's in C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\XBMC

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Motion JPEG Video from Canon Camera - Playback is Wonky0