Black screen video woes in vista, Camelot 9.11
Hey y'all.

Did a fresh install of xbmc Cam 9.11 on a windows Vista laptop.

Played a local video (xvid) and also a quicktime apple trailer (nightmare on elm st), but simply had a black scrn while the sound continued. Tried windowed mode, same deal.

The laptop is Intel Celeron 540 1.86GHz, 382MB ram
CPU: Intel Celeron 540 1/86GHz
RAM: 382MB
GFX: VIA Chrome9 HC2 IGP S4 Graphics (IGP Family WDDM) 128MB
Installed drivers: VTGUModeDX32.dll, desktop res: 1280x800 60Hz 32-bit colour
Driver version:
DirectX: 10.0
OS: Windows Vista Home

Is the camelot version DirectX or OpenGL? (is this the cause?)
Just trying to get video!

If anyone can help, much appreciated. Smile
Try downloading and running the DirectX installer from

thanks for the tip, it worked a treat, cheers!

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Black screen video woes in vista, Camelot 9.110