Force XBMC to open windowed when using RDP?
I have a small and pretty insignificant problem. Sometimes I have to access XBMC over RDP on my windows 7 machine. I do this to perform routine maintainance like adding and updating scripts and such. However as I have XBMC set to launch full screen it crashes. I know that if I set it to open windowed I can open it just fine.

Is there a way to force XBMC to open in a window without opening it first? i.e. is there a setting I can change in one of the userdata XMLs? Or a command line switch that will do this?

Cheers in advance for any help you can provide.
In userdata\guisettings.xml look for the line:


and change it to:


Thanks a lot. I'll give that a go.
Hmm didnt seem to work. XBMC is still tyring to launch fullscreen and crashes.
In fact that made XMBC create a new guisettings.xml and I have lost all my previous settings.

Ok nevermind. After having a play around if I check the "Use a Fullscreen window rather than true fulscreen." button I am able to open XBMC over RDP.

Problem solved.

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Force XBMC to open windowed when using RDP?0