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Music Album Backdrop
Wondered if someone could help?

I recently saw on a thread, someone had a music backdrop which had a handful of albums sporadically laid out and I remember thinking that it looked pretty good and that they had a similar taste in music to myself.

I think there was an AC/DC album on there and possibly Pink Floyd/Aerosmith/Stones - that kind of stuff anyway!

Unfortunately, I can't find this image or the thread anywhere. Anybody got any ideas? Or if you know where this image might be from?

Cheers for any help
Buff Wrote:Wondered if someone could help?

I recently saw on a thread, someone had a music backdrop which had a handful of albums sporadically laid out and I remember thinking that it looked pretty good and that they had a similar taste in music to myself.

I think there was an AC/DC album on there and possibly Pink Floyd/Aerosmith/Stones - that kind of stuff anyway!

Unfortunately, I can't find this image or the thread anywhere. Anybody got any ideas? Or if you know where this image might be from?

Cheers for any help

Like this?:

That can be found here:

Thanks, but no it wasn't like that - there were probably only a dozen or so cd's cases lying oface up and they were crossing over each other, but you could see each one of them - it was quite artistic.

I don't know if the person who has it was doing this, but I was planning on using it as a generic music backdrop
Just in case anyone's interested I found the backdrop I was looking for, it's being used as a default backdrop on a music visualisation mod for the Confluence skin - so many thanks to them for using it.

I'm now using it as a default music backdrop for artists without any fanart and playlists etc... in Transparency! and it looks great;


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