Complete noob- help with setting up Mac to stream to Windows machine
Hi all, I'm about as far from what you would call an expert when it comes to networking and such, so I hope this hasn't been asked else where. I did a search, but I don't see anything... but that doesn't mean I didn't miss it, of course.

Anyway, I have all my media files on my Mac (specifically an external HDD connected to it) running 10.5, which is in my office. I have XBMC running on it.
I also have XBMC running on a Windows 7 PC that is connected to my TV in the living room.
I would like to set up a network/media server so I can watch the movies located on the Mac on the Windows 7 box in the living room through XBMC.

Is there an idiot proof guide out there that shows how to do this? Or if it's not too much trouble, can someone tell me how to do this, even? I'd really appreciate it. I've been reading guides and such for the past hour, but I'm not seeing anything that really says specifically how to do this :\ I'm totally stumped now. Haha- I have a feeling it's relatively simple, but I just don't know where to begin, you know?
You just have to go into System Preferences -> Sharing on your Mac.

Turn on File sharing and add a folder to the "Shared folders" bit.

You should then be able to browse to that within XBMC and within Windows 7 in general.
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Complete noob- help with setting up Mac to stream to Windows machine0