Fanart lags when I go to Movies?
The Fanart icons work fine in files, but when I go into movies to browse through my movies the fancy way, only a couple fanart thumbnails load and the rest take awhile to load.

There is a significant delay before the next fanart is shown, is there anything I can do to fix to this issue?

I'm having this problem too, very annoying. I also have to wait until the fanart is loaded before I can slide to the next movie.
You can try converting to .dds files, another compression method which should be faster to load than jpg.

Basically you can set the switch in advancedsettings to use .dds art, supposedly it will convert automatically for new ones, but I had to convert everything myself.

I converted my userdata/thumbnails/videos/fanart folder and it helped a lot, though I never noticed that it was faster in files vs library so no guarantees.

Install Nvidia texture tools from here

Here's a relevant post from that huge thread with a windows batch file, buried a million posts in (the zip file in the OP was never there or whatever), obviously you can do the same in bash:

open notepad and paste this code into it

ren *.tbn *.jpg
for %%x in (*.jpg) do "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA Texture Tools 2\bin\nvcompress.exe" -fast -bc1 %%x
ren *.jpg *.tbn

save the file as a .bat file in your fanart folder and run it from there to convert them to dds.
Weird, my userdata/thumbnails/videos/fanart folder is empty. I cannot seem to find where fanart thumbnails get downloaded too.
Look in your users folder.
My fanart folder is all .tbns, is this normal?
Hound Wrote:My fanart folder is all .tbns, is this normal?


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Fanart lags when I go to Movies?0