Hi all,

Please bear with me whilst I try to explain this - not sure if this is a bug or not so looking for advice on whether to file one (and how best to).

I'm attempting to compile XBMC on OpenSuse 11.3 with vaapi support enabled. I had libva and libva-devel installed from the the VLC repos - version 1.0.4. However when compiling I got this error:

LinuxRendererGL.cpp:50:23: fatal error: va/va_glx.h: No such file or directory

It seems that file is missing from libva 1.0.4. In the end I downgraded to libva 0.31.1 from one of the opensuse build service repos and it compiled. I've yet to test if the hardware acceleration actually works though.. I've been compiling remotely need to get home for that. Seems to have installed ok though.

In any case does anyone know if this is a bug in libva - i.e that particular version is missing a file - or if it's a case of XBMC only being compatible with the older packages, and thus needs updating?

Hope that makes some semblance of sense!



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