Advice - HTPC and occasional gaming
Hi all,

I am just about set to buy an Acer Aspire Revo to use as an HTPC, but would also like to do a little bit of gaming (nothing too intense, just FIFA 11, Need for Speed, that kind of thing).

So I am now wondering whether to buy a PS3 instead and use this as my media centre (although I really much prefer the XBMC interface).

One solution that could work would be to buy the games for PC and run them off the Acer (given that I would only play one or two) - my question is would the HTPC be able to cope with running these type of games?

Sorry if this is a silly question, I just haven't been able to find info through a forum search and it's been a while since I've played PC games.

And I know that the PC versions are probably not quite as good as their PS3 counterparts but that doesn't bother me too much.

Thanks in advance Big Grin
thescene Wrote:One solution that could work would be to buy the games for PC and run them off the Acer (given that I would only play one or two) - my question is would the HTPC be able to cope with running these type of games?

Not really. ION systems do poorly with modern games due to a weak CPU. You need to build a computer with an Intel i3 or a AMD x2 to be able to play games adequately.


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Advice - HTPC and occasional gaming0